Top 40 Code Change Proposals for 2016

NAHB Voting Recommendations on Proposed International Code Changes

NAHB is urging its members to schedule meetings with your state and local building code officials to discuss and gain support of our positions on the following significant code change proposals.

The final disposition of any public comments submitted regarding these proposed code changes will take place during the ICC Public Comment Hearings to be held Oct. 19–25, 2016 in Kansas City, MO and during the final Online Governmental Consensus Voting Period which will take place approximately Nov. 8–21, 2016.
RB129-16 – Moves Fire Sprinkler Mandate to Appendix – This proposed code change will modify Section R313 of the International Residential Code by moving the residential fire sprinkler requirements for one- and two- family dwellings and townhouses to a new optional appendix and thus fire sprinklers will not be required in houses or townhomes unless the Appendix is adopted at the state or local level. Vote to “Approve As Submitted”  View All Code Change Recommendatiions

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