Chair: Hope Marie Sneed, BSB Design, 303-941-4269
Vice Chair: Philip Eidenschink, JWilliams Staffing of Colorado, 303-675-8755
Secretary: Mackenzie Leatherman, BAC/Ferguson, 720-287-5804
Treasurer: Holly MacGregor, BKC Kitchens & Bath, 303-327-4533
"For every hour I have invested in my local Home Builders Association by serving and engaging in our council activities, I feel I have received three hours of value in terms of key business relationships, knowledge of current housing trends and issues, and the energy from interacting with my professional peers." - Cheryl Schuette, Principal, Cheryl Schuette & Associates
HBA Associate members in good standing are welcome to join! As a member of the local Home Builders Association, your non-builder/developer annual dues payment automatically enrolls you as an Associate Member of the HBA.
There is no additional cost related to becoming involved with Associate Member Council and to be a part of all of the AMC activities, although some individual events may have a registration fee or other cost.
Board Meetings take place at 9:00am on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at the HBA of Metro Denver.
Members of the Home Builders Association of Metro Denver who provide products and services to the Builder/Developer Members of the organization are "Associate Members". The AMC organizes and engages the Associate Members in programs and services, disseminates information and provides opportunities and events to share the associates' collective expertise in the residential market. The businesses represented by the AMC are diverse - from architectural and interior design firms to title companies, from suppliers of manufactured building products to software and banking professionals - all share in the collaborative efforts of engaging the full membership of the association.
The AMC provides a meeting place for members to come together to network, grow professionally, discuss issues and seek solutions to industry concerns, challenges and opportunities.
The AMC provides a strong nucleus of associates, designers, and contractors in the metropolitan Denver and throughout the State of Colorado. By engagement, members stay up to date on what is happening in the housing industry and real estate market. You and your team will have access to a huge variety of networking and educational events through which to grow and improve your business. Through engagement you will earn the respect and business of other members and will have regular access to the leaders, movers and shakers in the local marketplace.
Here are just a few of the values of engagement: