The North Metro Building Council serves builders and associates that operate in the North Metro Area (Boulder & Broomfield counties as well as Thornton and Northglenn). By joining the NMBC you can stay abreast of homebuilding activities and issues in the dynamic northern metro market area. -Jeff Whiton, HBA of Metro Denver CEO
North Metro Building Council Info
Meeting times
The North Metro Building Council Board meets the third Wednesday of the month from 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. As we grow our Council, we will be changing the location of our monthly meetings to accommodate our members. Please contact Cheryl Candelaria, 720-947-8066 for location information on NMBC upcoming meetings.
Membership requirement
Current HBA member in good standing. There is no additional cost related to becoming involved with Associate Member Council and to be a part of all of the AMC activities, although some individual events may have a registration fee or other cost.
Download Application
Download NMBC trifold brochure
About the North Metro Building Council

The North Metro Building Council is transforming from the Flatirons Building Council into the NMBC. This change will broaden the scope of the council and expand connection opportunities throughout the North Metro area for members and their employees. Our priority is connecting those working in this region to everything happening inside the HBA through speaker engagements, educational events, home tours, and joint council events held throughout each year.
Who We Are
The North Metro Building Council (NMBC) is a group of active builders, trade and affiliate members who promote the work of the HBA of Metro Denver to the members within the Northern metro region. The geographic area covers from the North-West along Highway 36 to the North-East along Hwy 76; which includes Boulder and Broomfield counties as well as western Adams County.
Connection and Programs
- Quarterly Luncheon events – Professional luncheons featuring guest speakers focused on important topics for the metro region with a focus on the Northern submarkets including; Annual Market Outlook, Builder Panel, Design Trends, and the Transportation Forum.
- The Annual Tour of Homes which kicks off the first two weekends in May, showcasing various Builder Model homes to the public in the North Metro region. The Tour starts off with a Kickoff Party the Thursday before and a Realtor Preview day and Home Judging the Friday before the tour starts.
- Summer connections and happy hour gathering
- Monthly Council Meetings – The NMBC meets once a month on the 3rd Wednesday to discuss and plan council events. Event committees provide progress and sponsorship updates to the council.
Upcoming and Recent Events
- February 15th – Market Outlook 2018 featuring Mike Rinner & Ali Wolf of Meyers Research & Advisory – Presentation of the state of the housing market and a look back at 2017. Ali will focus on national trends while Mike drills down into the local North Metro 2017 results and forecast.
- April 18th - NMBC kickoff Council Meeting (10:30am) - Ascent Builders Community Center @ 4603 E 97th Ave, Thornton, CO 80029
- May 3rd - Tour of Homes Kickoff Party – May 3rd at Anthem Highlands Community Center
- Realtor Day and Judging Day at the Home builder model homes
- Tour of homes runs the 1st 2 weekends of May, May 5th & 6th, and May 12th & 13th.
- June 5th – Builder Panel held at A-Loft Broomfield – Panel will include both national and regional builders in a free ranging format focusing on timely topics affecting the construction industry.
- September 20 – NMBC Design Event event is scheduled for Sept 20th in Cambria’s showroom around 5pm (495 E 62nd Ave Suite 100, Denver). – The hottest trends in the industry and what’s coming next.
- October 17 – Transportation Forum – From highway expansion to infrastructure updates to the future of workforce mobility in a fast growing environment. Location TBD