Help Stop the Newest Regulatory Overreach From the EPA
An Urgent Message from NAHB Chairman Tom Woods

National Association of Home Builders


Urgent Message From NAHB Chairman





Urge a "Yes" vote on H.R. 1732


As part of its full throttle effort to prevent an unprecedented federal land grab, NAHB is calling on members to contact their members of Congress and urge a "yes" vote on H.R. 1732.

If the Environmental Protection Agency gets its way, millions of additional acres of land could be regulated as wetlands under the Clean Water Act. H.R. 1732, the Regulatory Protection Act, would prevent this expansion of federal authority.
In a videotaped message to members, NAHB Chairman Tom Woods, a home builder from Blue Springs, Mo., notes that the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act (H.R. 1732) would stop the land grab in its tracks.
As he points out, the EPA proposal would expand federal authority to include ditches, man-made canals and even puddles on low-lying land.
It also would require even more property owners to get government permits to use their own land. That's a process that can take months, or even years, and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The House is expected to vote this Friday on H.R. 1732, which would send EPA back to the drawing board to develop a new proposal. The legislation would require EPA to:
- Withdraw the proposed rule.
- Develop a new rule in consultation with state and local governments, small businesses and other affected groups.
- Ensure that the new rule is based on better science and realistic economic analysis.
Now it's time for you to do your part. Please call your members of Congress today and urge a "yes" vote on H.R. 1732. Don't let EPA get away with this effort to expand its authority.
Call to Action
Your Ask
- Urge your Representative to SUPPORT H.R. 1732 the Regulatory Integrity Protection Act, introduced by Congressman Bill Shuster (R-PA)

