Call for Nominations - HBA Board of Directors Builder candidates


Call for Nominations

To:        All HBA Members

From:   Karl Knapp, Chair – 2018-2019 Nominating Committee

              Jeff Whiton, HBA Executive Vice President

Date:     August 17, 2018

RE:       Board of Directors Candidate Recommendations

Each year the association’s nominating committee nominates twelve Builder members to serve on the Board of Directors. Pursuant to our Bylaws, the nominating committee is comprised of nine members with the most immediate Past President serving as chair of the committee. This committee also makes nominations for directors to the Colorado Association of Home Builders activities.

One of the committee’s responsibilities is to ask each member of the association to consider and recommend Builder members to serve on the HBA Board and the CAHB Board. Builder members may be recommended by anyone in the association or they may submit their own names for consideration.

Members of the HBA’s Board of Directors are required to attend and participate in the monthly Directors’ meetings as well as any other special Board meetings, which may be called from time to time. As Builder members and leaders, these directors are expected to attend HBA meetings, events, and invest time in the various programs conducted by the association. They may be asked to serve on other committees or task forces in addition to their Board participation.

Continuing the quality of leadership on the HBA’s Board of Directors is essential to the success, standing and regard of our association within the industry and community. Please take a few minutes to consider people whom you believe would be qualified to serve as a member of the Board of Directors.

Please submit your recommendations for the 2019 Boards of Directors by returning the information below to the Jeff Whiton at If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me or Jeff Whiton 303-551-6725 for additional information. In order to fulfill our responsibilities, we need to have your nominations no later than Friday, September 21, 2018.

I would like to submit the following name(s) of Builder members for consideration as Directors for the 2019 year.

Name:                                          Company:                                                Phone:                         Email:


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