How did you get started in your career?
Before my 15-year career with KB Home I was a buyer for May Dept. Stores, a national department store chain. My main responsibility was budgeting, merchandising, buying and product development of clothing for retail stores throughout Denver ( to include Fort Collins, Boulder and Colorado Springs). When May Company was bought out and merging with the Texas division I made a decision to leave retail. My transferrable skills opened many doors; first within the golf industry and then into advertising as an account rep with Miles Advertising which focuses on homebuilding. While at Miles I worked with many homebuilders and my path crossed with Rich Davis who was the VP of Sales & Marketing for KB Home. An opportunity opened with KB Home and I accepted the marketing position with the reasoning if I could buy merchandise for retail stores, I could buy media and merchandise homes for a homebuilder.
Has there been someone along the way that you credit with helping you get to where you are? And why?
What do you love about the Home Building industry?
Anything else you would like to share?
I am a proud “gamma” (nickname my grandchildren gave me) of a boy 8 and girl 6 and travel to see them as often as I can get away.